A maternity boudoir session is an amazing way to celebrate yourself as well as the amazing changes your body is going through. Pregnancy can have both positive and negative effect on our emotions as well as our self image. Some women feel they are most beautiful during pregnancy and some women feel the complete opposite. When we imagine pregnancy, many of us picture a glowing mom to be with the most “perfect” bump who is super happy! Pregnancy can be really uncomfortable in general and we’re not always the glowing mom we envision. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t exist in photographs though.
I believe maternity boudoir empowers women and allows women to really see themselves for how amazing they truly are. Not only is it really empowering, it’s also an amazing way to document this very special moment in your life. If pregnancy taught me anything, it taught me that it’s okay to be nervous, it’s okay to do the things that make us a bit uncomfortable, and women are strong as fuck.
When Miss K contacted me about her session I was thrilled! I absolutely LOVE shooting maternity boudoir, and she really gave it her all and it was so incredibly inspiring to watch this gorgeous momma absolutely kill her session! Read on below to hear about Miss K’s shoot in her own words.
Not quite sure if you are ready to book your session? Join our V.I.P women only boudoir facebook group and connect with 500+ everyday women in our community! Our V.I.P group is where past, present, and future clients can hang out and connect! This is also where we announce specials, model calls, and regularly do giveaways.
We are so excited that you are ready to book your dream boudoir experience! Contact us for your free consultation and we can get planning!